• By beautifullife
  • 17 May, 2022

Invoke the light with your very own set 

The time has arrived...

Embrace Your Beautiful Life Oracle PRE-ORDER AVAILABLE...

You can pre-order your set via my shop page on my website by clicking here....

My first ever oracle deck has been a complete labour of love and 4 years in the making.... consisting of 33 cards and accompanying guidebook.

Your set will be sent out to you as soon as I get them, around end of June/beginning of July 2022.

Please note that your payment will be processed now. But you won’t actually get your oracle deck until end June/beginning of July 2022.

Creating this deck has enabled me to fulfil a dream I have held since I was a teenage girl, and I am so very excited and thrilled to share them with the world. I truly hope that you enjoy their messages and insights.

May the love, light and their essence evoke the magic within you to live your most beautiful life.

With love always beautiful one
By Deb Parrott 19 Jun, 2024

Firstly, I wanted to just share with you my personal take on what ORBS are:


Orbs – what, how, why, where: Orbs I believe are manifestations of spiritual energy, balls of light and energy that indicate the presence of Spirit. They are often a sign that we are supported by the Spirit World around us.  I believe orbs carry the presence of the angelic realm, fairies, nature spirits, spirit loved ones, and many other light beings, even animal energies too. These energies are revealing themselves quite regularly now in photographs but also many can see them with the naked eye too, along with other energies, not just through a lens or captured on photo images.


Orbs can appear in different shapes and formations and have varying characteristics.  They can vary  showing patterns, ‘faces’, light rays, they can be different colours, sizes and when looking at their form, you may be able to ‘feel’ the different energy they bring too.


In my experience, some orbs have been healing, some show what I believe to be light codes or high frequency vibrational insight and wisdom when I’ve meditated with them. Some look like ‘otherworldly beings’ or resemble ‘angelic form’ , others show such light, they have instantly uplifted my energy just by looking at them and some have brought an overwhelming feeling of unconditional love.


Again, in my own experience, I have felt protection, guidance and comfort from orb visitations too. I have also found that orbs tend to appear in photos at times of celebration (weddings, parties, christenings and such) I believe this is when our energy is high and we are having fun, open to the wonderful present moment and spirit comes close to share these moments with us, letting us know we are never alone, when we are open and aware to this, we get to see, feel, and understand on a much bigger scale.


Orbs and energy can be seen anywhere – sacred sites, nature, at home, public places, in fact I don’t believe this is limited. I also believe the more you are open to orb visitations and the presence of Great Spirit and its energy around you, the more you will see, feel and experience them appearing more frequently in your life.


Like anything that is not ‘textbook’, this subject can be very controversial, and much is written about orbs and their meanings – my suggestion would be to take what you believe to be true and what resonates with you, leave the rest. If you are seeing orbs, you may feel, like myself, that you are in the presence of a spiritual or light being and a sign that you are receiving spiritual messages or guidance from higher dimensions.


Orb meanings and manifestations can be vast so it’s up to us to be open to their interpretation. Personally, I found at the divine perfect time when I wanted to understand their frequent presence more, Diana Cooper’s book ‘Ascension Through Orbs and her Orb Oracle Cards were a great insight and helped me to understand more about their possibilities.


Please, when working with Spirit be respectful – I always ask permission to take a photo when I start to feel the energy opening up – I also ask permission if I am allowed to share the photos, images as some may come specifically for you and your personal journey and I believe that some of their energy and great frequency light wants to be seen and shared so that more souls that are open to their incredible insight, blessings and understanding can learn about them. Discern for yourself.


Here's my story so far with orbs, energy and Great Spirit….


From around 12 years old, I have my first memories of seeing orbs and energy. It mostly happened when I was in my bedroom just relaxing and chilling.  It was at a similar time when I started collecting the Mind Body Spirit subscription, a fortnightly magazine – these came with freebies in each edition, which included oracle cards, runes, tree wisdom, crystal tumble stones and other things too. (I still have all these magazines and their binders to this day, some 36 years later lol).


These memories and moments were the beginning of my spiritual journey and path, without me knowing at that point.  I was simply fascinated by all the topics and loved reading and being with the energies as I sat on my bedroom floor with the different oracle card decks, crystals and other freebies all around me. I can remember so clearly how being immersed in their essence brought so much joy, magic, fun, imagination and creation to life for me. (I write more about this in the Guidebook that accompanies my first deck of Oracle Cards, this was the inspiration, motivation and where my dream of having my own deck came from all those years ago).


I digress a little, but feel it’s important to share , as the visions of orbs and flashes of light I saw back then with my physical eyes, along with the spiritual tools and the energy from the magazine wisdom gave me the ‘knowing’ that I was never alone., I always felt protected, safe and looked after, I never questioned or, doubted it, but I never spoke about any of it with anyone until many, many years later…


For most of my earlier years, being extremely shy, a people pleaser and someone that never liked being the centre of attention, lacking in self-love and self-worth, the ‘fear’ of being ridiculed, not being accepted, liked or being able to ‘fit in’ was a constant loud drowning out, so to share, talk about or speak up about angels, fairies, otherworldly beings and spirit energies was a big no go. I didn’t share my love of these incredible visitations, feelings, visions and the magic that they brought alive in me, I just always believed it was there and I was never alone. It was all locked away within.


Fast forward through many life lessons, life changes, self-discovery and spiritual evolution (other blogs talk about some of this in more detail) I fully embrace and embody my true authentic path where I live, breathe and follow every day this soul journey and share my findings.


Today more than ever, I see orbs and energy in different forms regularly both with my physical eyes as well as on camera. I feel so blessed and in gratitude every single time this happens.  It transpires very easily when I’m in nature, being present in the moment, especially amongst the trees where I feel totally grounded, at home, connected with my heart fully open.


It can also occur when I’m with clients or even just sitting having a cuppa with friends – I have come to realise Great Spirit is not restricted by time or space. In fact, the more I have been open to the experiences and encourage it, the more it materialises.


I am sure many of you reading this have experienced visitation of Spirit in the form of orbs, light or the wonder of energy. If you have not, I really encourage you to be open to it if you wish.


In recent years both travelling and during holidays, I have been blown away by some of the incredible visits and visions that Spirit has brought forward. For me, it happens in a way where I just ‘know’ deeply within that the energy is opening up, I feel the energy come forward before I see it – I wait and just allow the moment to begin to arise, at that point I also ask permission if I may take photos – practically 99% of the time, intuitively it is given and I begin to take photos of my surroundings and where I am being drawn to look. The energy that I feel is imprinted within photos that I take (it doesn’t always look the same as the orbs and energy I see with my eyes, it can appear slightly different on camera – colour, shape etc). It is truly magical and amazing. I fully embrace and become present in the space and time of what is occurring.


When I was last in Rome I had quite an extraordinary experience with energy flooding in. Two experiences that stood out that I will never forget, include outside the Pantheon, where I saw energy in different forms to what I had experienced before. The other were the sights and feelings that unfolded in front of me near the Santa Maria church to the side of the Vittoriano. (Images over on facebook post accompanying this blog)


On a visit to Arundel Castle, whilst in the grounds near the Rose Gardens, where it was quiet, away from others, I started to feel a portal of energy opening, as the sun shone down through the trees, there was a particular unusual branch of the tree that took my attention as I looked up. From that point, after waiting for a few minutes and asking permission, the energy came flooding in and it was a very magical, powerful and a heartfelt time. (one of the images of the day over on Facebook accompanying this blog)


I wanted to share with you today a very special day that happened last year when I was sat in my lounge channelling meditations…the sun came flooding through the door behind me as I sat writing, the energy is the room started to change, I felt such warmth and the feeling of love just filled the room, almost like I was being held and embraced. I knew I was being visited by Great Spirit as the unconditional love that then filled the room was immense.   At that point I asked permission to start to take photos and I have a series of images from the moments that followed.  This particular image that I wanted to share with you was at that point you could barely see my face on the camera anymore through the light. Take a look what do you see, what do you feel? I strongly recommend you open your heart and awaken your soul to the possibilities that exist here.


The second image (which is the same as the first only mirrored found over on facebook post accompanying this blog), I wish to at this point with much gratitude, a special mention to a wonderful and divinely gifted soul, John Railton, an energy photographer - Enchanted Art by John Railton, photography of angels, nature, portals and the dimensions around us. His knowledge and expertise have enabled me to see the entirety of the image and its magic – feel the love from the green heart.  Just WOW!


To finish beautiful ones, if this fascinates you and you would love to connect more with energy, Great Spirit and experience the wonder of other dimensions, my advice would be to have an open mind and a willingness to look and feel beyond the average. Get yourself out into nature and ask Spirit and the Light to come and visit you, then get your camera ready and be open to all possibilities.


With so much Heart & Soul, Peace & Grace,




NOTE : Photos I refer to can be found on my facebook post at Beautiful Life by Debra page via this link, as I can only add one image here on a blog.

By beautifullifebydebra 01 Feb, 2023

As many of you know it was my dream to have my Haven built at home so I could do what I love and love what i do, not only to benefit myself but to offer that safe sacred sanctuary to others too x

Well 7 years on and my purpose and the Haven dreams are continuing expanding and evolving in many ways x  The community Haven is the forever destiny (see my blog titled 'The Haven') yet,  I realise too so clearly that HAVEN DAYS is the grand 'Haven on Tour' which I am eternally grateful and excited to be birthing with the beautiful angelic hostess Cat Miles ...a truly amazing huge hearted friend and holistic partner....we are sooo busy preparing the line-up with our heart driven community to offer a fantastic day in Feb 2023 at the Pavilion Worthing overlooking the Sea....see other posts on my facebook page  if you would like to come and feel like sunshine, it is definitely not to be missed.

The main purpose of this post is to say thank you...thank you with love to each and everyone of you - you inspire me to keep the HAVEN alive (it is part of me) and I'm blown away by hearing so many of you have created your own 'Havens' and that mine has inspired you to bring to life your own.

It's fantastic to hear there are Havens everywhere dedicated to your very own sacred sanctuaries where you can go to connect, rest, feel good, or just be x Your Haven may be part of you not even a physical place, an internal sanctuary don't forget x


I wanted to share how important it can be in our lives to have 'haven' places, moments, times whether it be in your home, where you work, where you spend your time.. can be areas no matter how small or large that inspire you, that make you feel grounded, good, balanced, that bring together everything that you doing this you create a space a 'haven' where you will want to be, where you want to spend time and this is such a blessed and powerful thing especially in how it makes you feel, how you wish to live and where you really truly want to spend your time (and shows you clearly where you do not).

Share if you wish below in the comments your Haven dreams, goals, places, spaces, wish lists x

There are so many Haven places in my home, in my life that continue to fill up my cup x  Where do you have yours? x

Love yourself enough to give yourself your HAVEN dreams and reality x

So Be It 
By beautifullife 17 May, 2022
I was asked for guidance and my opinion around the following subject...

"How do you motivate yourself to do your work/studies/create when you set aside the time, but you do everything other than what you set out to do?"

 It interested me that I was asked for guidance which is why I felt strongly to share my response, because it is a topic that at times I have really struggled to manage.

In my experience, and I am by no means an expert on any level, something to get to grips with...almost like a journey where you set out on a voyage of discovery...

My findings have led me to believe and understand that Debra  'Procrastination' Parrott, as she had referred to herself, does best to surrender to the flow, let all control go when it comes to this. Of course I make action plans and have structured goals and guidelines for myself and my work, but I do not lose sleep over them anymore nor give myself such a hard time for not getting something done.  This certainly was not always the case!  

Some days I would have an action list as long as my arm, and I would spend the best part of the day doing everything but cracking on with that action list.  Other days I would get everything done and more...go figure.  I used to get upset, frustrated or irritated with myself for "wasting" time doing "menial" things when I should/could have got so much more important things done!

 Now I view things differently....

I believe, and you may not agree, that procrastination is ego talking, the achilles heel that kicks in to hold us back from achieving our goals, delaying us or distracting us from reaching success.  Some days its easy for it to get the better of us and other times you can recognise this and tell it to go do one to bring back focus and action and push through...
"Procrastination makes easy things hard, hard things harder." - Mason Cooley. 

But this is where I found it got interesting...  
I found the hardest part was deciphering if I was procrastinating or if it was in fact the Universe playing its part of taking me away from the work/studies/action list because I was tired/overwhelmed/needed a breather/not in the right headspace so I would not of been getting it done to my highest ability at that time, so was taken away from it.

I've come to believe that sometimes doing what we think is nothing or wasting time is actually giving us everything that we need ..e.g. I used to get the hump and agitated getting household jobs done trying to rush through so I could get on with my work or get creating new content, the more I tried to get the day to day chores and jobs out of the way, the more clumsy I got, the longer it took or the more jobs I ended up creating... in the end I never got my work or creations done anyway.

I realise now I wasn't being grateful or aware of the blessing of grounding, which came in the form of hoovering,  or the practical function of cleaning,  or being present in the physical sense (as most of my work/purpose is in the spiritual sense so the grounding is very very essential). All the things my physical body was needing to bring in balance, so these 'distractions' 'chores' 'menial things' where actually helping me in the long run to complete my work/studies/creations.

By no means have I completely cracked this but I seriously don't give myself such a hard time now when I don't complete my work/creations or action list when I set out too.  I still procrastinate at times when I am starting something new, if I am taking a risk or I feel nervous about creating content which is a huge undertaking, and that's ok.  I realise what is happening and I just go with the flow.  We were put on this Earth for the to feel the rush of blood through the veins at times to feel alive.

I realise that actually I get the work done anyhow, even if not in the way I had planned, predicted or set out too, so its pointless giving myself such a hard time like initially I would.

I believe our Higher Selves (the true authentic part of us that doesn't ever come from ego, judgement or restriction) is continuing intuitively guiding us so we end up doing exactly what is best or is meant for us but most of the time our human part fights it.

In conclusion, I reckon its all in the deciphering...
Is it procrastination and ego shouting loudly, taking you off your 'A game' and do you need to push through to achieve what you set out to do at this particular time...
is it the Universe guiding you away to do something else until you are actually in a better/healthier/calmer/more balanced place so that when you do get to it, the work, creation or ideas are the best they can be for your highest good...

This beautiful ones, is for you to work out.  I salute you and love you.  

By beautifullife 11 Mar, 2022

One eye bigger than the other...or bright big eyes...
Thin wispy hair...or blonde bouncy locks...
Old and wrinkled...or laughter lines with a sprinkle of wisdom.....
Small and uneven lips...or a mouth ready to smile.....

Whatever you see is your perception of me ...

I can't change that and it is not for me to do that either...

It feels as though it has taken a lifetime to figure this out....and on some levels it has been many lifetimes!

I've found to date the journey has been about me coming back to me, through all the trials and tribulations...
Miracles and magic can be created out of sadness and pain....and beauty can arise from living through ugliness....
The journey of SELF...self-love, self-acceptance...I'm ok with who I am inside and out...wasn't always the way...

What about yourself beautiful one?

Of course, we don't always get it right (still the case for me...WIP...Work In Progress)) but as long as we are living authentic and true to ourselves, embodying all that we are then we on the right divine path x

Why not begin to learn and live with all that you are...the alchemy of transformation is a huge much beauty and joy can come from life's disappointments, perceived embarrassments and shames...

I am living proof of that x

Love you, love me, just LOVE whichever which way you can x

By beautifullife 17 Dec, 2021

I always felt from a young age that there was more than what we could see in this world. 

 I always felt that I was protected and looked after but never really spoke about my thoughts/feelings as I was a very quiet, shy girl and always thought in my early years that other peoples’ opinions were more important than mine – low self-worth, self-esteem for many years held me back in many areas of my life but mostly from my true life purpose but I understand now that my soul needed the lessons and I am grateful for the things I have experienced and learned along the way, that have brought me to right here and now.

Constant thoughts and feelings in my earlier years were…If I ever spoke aloud that I believed in angels and other higher beings of light what would people say? What would they think of me? Would they think I was mad/sad/weird? They might not want to know me anymore or ridicule me.

Well the angels and my guides clearly helped me so much during the past 12 years since moving from Kent (where I was brought up and always lived from age 2) until I resigned from my job in the Corporate world in London to have my beautiful son Jack and we moved to the West Sussex coast…over 12 years ago now, it was simply flown by.....

At this point, circumstances and the more relaxed way of life (jumping off the rat race of commuting, long hours and day to day rushing and chaos) allowed me to listen more to my inner knowledge and guidance which led me to connect with new people and places which opened up so many opportunities and then the re-connecting inside of ME with everything that I had quietened down over so many years became IGNITED, which was a huge life turning point for me in every way, I was able to see, feel and sense so much more of the amazing spiritual world that I had felt existed from when I was a young girl.

The past 12 years have introduced me to so many beautiful like-minded true light-shiners, empaths and psychics as well as the amazing benefits of Angelic Reiki, crystals, holistic living, herbals supplements and remedies, many other healing modalities including the use of meditation, sound therapy and how colour has a huge impact too in our lives and much much more, my life has transformed, shifted and expanded in such a beautiful way, and for which I am forever grateful.

I started to use my intuitive and empathetic gifts on a daily basis more and more when I took the 'leap of faith' to become self-employed and open my 'Haven' full time.  This allowed me to sense and get to know my guides, angels and spirit more, as well as receive messages too for others. 

 Its like anything in life, the more you practice and use gifts, the more you get to experience or find easier as time goes on.  I am aware of spirit, angels and higher beings around me every day and so much more during times of healing experiences with clients, during meditations, out in nature, and when living in the present from my 'Higher Self' essence.

We are all unique so will see, feel, understand and receive different experiences so you may be aware of the angels, guides and higher beings of light in a completely different way to me or other people and that would be perfectly normal, but if you are open to these and trust your inner wisdom what is comfortable with you, then the connection will happen at the perfect time.

All I know is that when the angels and my guides are present, there is an overwhelming warm, radiating feeling of love, peace and protection with me.  A much higher power in place.

 Much of what we see and hear about angels comes from books, movies, TV and there is much debate about whether angels are real, what they do, what they look like etc.  I can only write and speak of my experiences and from what I know. I do not personally see angels in the form of how they are depicted in artwork and paintings with wings and halos, up until now I see them in the way that works with me and how I have come to be aware of their presence, which is in the form of energy and moving swirls of colours and light as well as “orbs” and during meditations I can “see” and “feel” the energy of the guides and spirits differently too. (more information on this another time).

I do believe that the pictures and paintings that have become so well known represent the pure amazing level of light they hold which we may only be able to comprehend as wings and halos, but that is what I feel is right.

I believe that connecting and working with our angels is a true blessing and if your intention is always one of 100% love, light, and coming from integrity and you do not misuse their powers and gifts, you will always have beautiful and guided experiences with them.


And remember…we have to ask for their support, guidance and help, it is free will. They cannot only help us with healing, protection and inspiration but I believe they also open up lots of opportunities and experiences which helps on all levels, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

Are you ready to ask for their help? And meet your angels and guides and discover ways of connecting and working with them?  If the answer is YES, you may wish to come encounter Angelic Reiki whether it be a personal 1:1 or have an entire weekend with me in their presence.  

Your beliefs, views and opinions on this subject will be very personal and right for you and this is how it should be. If you do not agree with anything I have written, understand my experiences and do not wish to know more, then that is perfectly ok. I respect your choices.

I continue to live in gratitude every single day living and loving what I do.  My journey with my guides and angels is continually evolving and growing and the more I flow with it, the more I am shown and feel.  

Part of my purpose and journey is to assist others in 'opening the door' to meet their own guides and angels, so If I can help or assist you in any way, please free feel to reach out to me.

 Angel love, peace and light to you beautiful ones, now and always








By beautifullife 14 Sep, 2021


Spiritual ascension is the expansion of consciousness. Can be known as spiritual awakening and/or sometimes called enlightenment.

It is a natural evolutionary process which involves the process of shedding the old Self and experiencing a huge shift…almost like a ‘re-birth’.  Many people speak about spiritual ascension like going through an ‘upgrade’ or as a feeling as though they are being ‘re-booted’ or ‘re-programmed’.

Spiritual ascension comes about in life when we are reaching new heights and transcending old limiting habits, beliefs, mindsets, and ways of being. Our energy, auric fields and whole vibration becomes lighter as our thoughts, beliefs around our reality, as well as our outlook, takes on a whole new meaning and understanding too.

The ascension process mostly happens in stages, in layers, whereby we get the chance to adjust to the energetic changes as well as those upgrades and light that is coming to us.

As we ascend, we realise everything that exists is interconnected to the whole. We are all ONE.


When we undergo a spiritual awakening (there can be many throughout our lifetime), we literally ‘WAKE UP’ to life.

It is not unusual at that point to question everything from habits, social conditioning, the work we have been doing, the people who we are around, our purpose in life. We also at this point might feel that ‘inner drive’ or ‘knowing’ steering us to other ways and living, seeing and feeling that there is so much more to life than what we have been taught to date.

Some souls during this time can feel as though they are being elevated in vibrational frequency (an expansion of mind, body and soul). For others, it can feel almost the opposite.

For some, the adjustment as it happens can be very uncomfortable. This is referred to as ‘Ascension Symptoms’…these can occur because of holding onto resistance, to change to ‘comfortable and familiar’ limitations and blockages.

For those of us that are very sensitive and empathic, who ‘feel’ everything, the ascension process can be very challenging indeed. Ascension can cause emotional trauma to get ‘stuck’ in our energy fields – this needs regular and relevant clearing and releasing, otherwise, when it happens, it may physically slow us down in order that the density to be cleared – this can very much be ‘felt’.

On the brighter side, once cleared, we are opening up space for much higher, lighter consciousness to enter.



Spiritual awakenings happen as a natural product of our soul evolving, expanding, transcending, and maturing.  Just as everything in life grows, so too does our connection with our soul (Higher Self).

The more we connect on a soul level (whether accidentally or intentionally), the more we experience TRANSFORMATION. The more we get to embody the soul, the more we get to live true lasting joy, peace, fulfilment, freedom, and LOVE on all levels.

As mentioned in my earlier blog back in Jan 2021 (link is: ), if any of the physical symptoms persist and you are worried about your health, or if you feel poorly, it is always advisable to check symptoms and go see a GP or Medical Practitioner for further advice.

A whole range of symptoms/feelings can include all or some of those that are listed on my Jan blog, as well as these below (there can be many many other ranges of changes too):

  • Body aches & pains
  • Emotional outbursts
  • Unusual sleep patterns
  • Headaches/Neck pain
  • Physical disorientation/dizzy/confusion
  • Zero tolerance to negativity
  • Seeing/feeling/hearing sounds/energies - psychic abilities opening up (accessing other realms)
  • Feeling alone or highly emotional, tearful, sad
  • Losing track of time (timeline changes from 3d to 5th dimension)
  • Being made aware of signs from Higher Realms (number sequences/feathers/coins/synchronicity
  • Feeling fearful or opposite, feeling very strong and courageous
  • Entire transformation (like you are no longer same person you were)
  • Wanting to change external situations
  • Needing to change career/purpose/drive
  • Intense dreams, lack of sleep or exhaustive, unable to get up 
  • Feeling more forgiving, giving, longing, hopeful, at one
  • Increased clarity
  • Body detox - wanting to transition to highly nutritious food/drinks
  • Seeking time with oneself
  • Needing to meditate/be mindful
  • Desire to practice healing modalities
  • A sense of deeper purpose and drive
  • Epiphanies
  • Called to nature
  • Sense that something 'big' is about to happen
  • Withdrawing from drama and chaos
  • Longing for a simple and happy life 

There are also helpful ways given to help us move through the transitions:

  • Go out in nature
  • Meditate/practice mindfulness
  • High vibration music/sound therapy/instruments
  • Find your soul tribe/like-minded friends
  • Avoid chaos/drama/low vibration environments
  • Limit watching the news/violence/horror
  • Enjoy creating (dance/bake/walk/sing/move/draw) - any form of creativity
  • Exercise including yoga or Pilates, stretching, swimming
  • Change your diet to highly nutritional foods, drinks - limit sugar/alcohol etc
  • Read inspirational books or find inspirational and motivating people
  • Raise your vibration in all ways
  • Use crystals/essential oils/natural herbs or holistic practices
  • Try acupuncture/healing/reflexology/reflection/reiki/massage

There are many other helpful ways - why not start today at researching and using your inner guidance to help show you.  If not, please reach out t me or other holistic practitioners/healers to assist you now.

It is time to RISE beautiful ones. Humanity needs us. Let us find our way into more light.

With love, light, blessings and abundance always



By beautifullife 10 Sep, 2021


Your name has power.

Your name is sacred.

Your name runs deep.

Your name carries an impact.

Your name carries such connection, a sense of who you are.


Your name has such meaning from that very moment you are born. The syllables carry a resonance. The sound is not only powerful to the ear when your name is spoken, but the letters carry a powerful vibration as well as the tone too.

Your surname links hereditary, ancestral line and your personal identity.

The power of your birth name is HUGE (even if you do not take that name today).

Like many others, I believe the moment we are born has been divinely orchestrated and planned to the finest point – not only taking into consideration the numerology, astrological sides, but on every level.

The reason for my blog….I want to share something with you beautiful ones…

I was born Debra Parrott.  It was not until my 30’s, when I married, that I changed my name. I never liked my given birth name.

I liked Debbie, but when I was called Debra, my memory was flooded with long school days where teachers formally addressed me in front of the entire class.

 My surname…………well that was a whole new ballgame………………in my younger years, I was embarrassed of it. I would go out of my way not to refer to my surname in any situation, especially with new people. At school, (again like many others) I was named called and on the receiving end of lots of jokes.  I really began to like it less and less.

 At the same time, I was not loving me, so many elements of both my name, and myself I disliked. IT STUCK with me for years, like glue.

 When I married, it felt like a huge relief to change my surname, albeit much underlying self-transformational work was still to be done (other blogs touch on this part of my life journey, if you are interested).

Fast forwarding to the here and now, my life has evolved a lot…and since my divorce (a few years back) I have moved through much self-discovery and personal healing.

Some of this healing has been around connecting back to my power, the importance of my soul calling, my mission and my purpose here. The self- realisation that I must honour and own WHO I AM.

The more I write of my personal experiences, as well as the channellings that are given from my Guides and the Angelic Realm, the more I feel and see the powerful teachings being grounded and anchored for me on my life journey.

Equally important and relevant, I am shown how the Universe wants these learnings to be shared with you beautiful ones …passing forward and highlighting the bigger picture and perspective (that may/or may not) become a relevant aspect of your life in some way, shape or form.

My given name Debra Parrott is where I reside. I do not shy away from the WHOLE me anymore.

As I finish this blog, may I put forward the following statements for you to consider beautiful ones:

·        What feelings and effects does your given birth name create for you?

·        Do you ‘own’ who you are?

·        Are you wholly and truly being who you were born to be?

·        Are you proud and empowered of who you are?

Don’t hide beautiful ones, don’t play small. I know in the past I have, and it is ok. No regrets.  

I see the role I am here to fulfil, and I am walking my path with my heart open and connected to achieving this. I am happy owning who I am. My name is such a huge magical powerful part of me and I am pleased I have found inner peace with that.

I highly recommend looking further into the spiritual meaning of your name, your numerology and astrological chart – it continues to fascinate me, as well as help me understand more about myself on a human, physical level but on a soul level too.

May your name lead you home.

Incidentally, if you are interested, ‘Parrot’ spirit is:

“Symbolic of truth telling…speaking from the centre of the heart. As Parrot speaks back to you the words you have spoken, you hear your own words with no filter. This is a powerful reflection of self, as you are able to recognise the truth of your own words and what you are communicating or you will be reminded of the secrets you are keeping, or the untruths that are being told.

Parrot is a great teacher of communication and brings guidance and assistance in your ability to communicate that which you really feel.”

Parrots represent the 'Law of Praise' - called to speak the truth and speak with love.  

 Ironic, as I was born ‘tongue-tied’, was shy beyond belief as a child and huge people pleaser who never spoke up or stood up for myself, hid my opinions and truths for fear of being disliked or rejected! LIFE shows us what we need to work with, that’s for sure.

I hope you can take from this blog all that you need.

May your path be illuminated in love, light, truth and peace always,








By beautifullife 03 Sep, 2021
Life does not always feel beautiful...FACT

Today I woke up with feelings of dread, fears arising (some I could understand, some no idea where they were coming from), feeling exhausted, in limbo, stuck and the rest...

Beautiful ones, can any of you relate?
How is your energy right now?
Are you struggling?
Do you feel like you are wading through mud? Or are you feeling balanced, in alignment?
Do you feel like yor going nowhere fast or back to start line?

Mostly, I am good at shifting my energy as well as having an understanding what is mine or not...I am an empath, so if you are too, like me, you will equally feel the collective energies as well as we move through planetary shifts and vibrations.
I rely on using my trusty holistic tools I have in my belt for getting to grips at living in this 'overcoat' that is the human body (which as most of us know can bring massive challenges at times) but today no entry, STOP woooooooooo, its like moving through the thickest fog with no let up

•The fear is strong
•The uncertainty is real
•The overthinking is rife
•The 'what if's' were in full motion

I did everything in my power to shift it all, knowing deep down inside its all illusion and my ego was feeling 'on top form' wanting to play me up BIG time...but still knowing all this, and the fact that energetically the world has been in a very difficult , dark and dense place...everything come to the forefront wouldn't go away...all of this by 7am!!!

Sooooo I got up and did all and more of what mostly brings me back to balance, some of which included:
~putting my tunes on loud
~setting my daily intentions for the day
~lighting candles, incense, aura sprays all on
~ using my powerful mantras
~the normal morning routines

Nothing, not one thing was moving the feeling of dread....

Now I accept like many of us, I do have a lot of change and transitions going on in my life and its not all happy, skip, hop, jump right now and nor will it be like that continously anyway because the Universe doesn't work like that....

The Universe gives us what we need not necessarily what we want right???!!! But that's enough there for another entire post...

I've got to know me and my ways very well through the lessons, challenges and teachings thrown my way over past 45 years but nothing, nada would break down the great huge brick wall that was caving in this morning.... I had to accept I felt crappy, nervy and on edge and I wasn't leaving so I had to crack on with it it tow...

I got ready and drove to meet a like-minded soul friend (you know who you are superstar) and we went for a cuppa and chat as planned before our day ahead schedules kicked in....

After literally 20mins of just sitting and talking and listening to one another, the illusions, the huge brick wall and the uncomfortable stuck energies had begun to shift, drifting slowly away...mostly transmuted so it wasn't so 'in my face'...

By 10am not only thinking about facing the day , the commitments that I had to push forward with, felt more reachable, possible and infact a glimmer of light starting to shine from within once more.

For those of you who know me, who follow my posts, who come to my groups, or who share the like-minded values and ways I do, will know I am very 'real', 'down to earth' and I say it how it is...and as much as I love sharing the positive, light, love filled inspired messages because they motivate and assist us on our journey, it is also important to share the posts like this too, because they too may be helpful to someone, sometime.

I am a very optimistic, open, emotional, giving and loving soul who truly believes and trusts in my path...I practice self love, self care, self acceptance daily and move with the flow of life, but some days I feel the density, the pain, the fear, the worry and have the weight of the planet on my shoulders or in my heart and its ok, because it happens.

So beautiful ones, when you feel like I did earlier today, it's OK. Honour yourself and accept that is how it is...those moments will pass, even if you feel like they won't...

If the tools you have aren't working to support you in that very moment, go do something else until it passes and even if in the background the uncertainty or energies remain stuck, then trust in yourself and be compassionate and kind to you until the FLOW comes back to balance, to harmony where you can sigh a breath of relief and realise that actually you are more than ok.

Finally, just to say you are amazing, even when you can't see or feel are alive (pure light and energy living in a human body) and if you look at that in any detail...that in itself is a MIRACLE.

By beautifullife 31 Aug, 2021

So today I said goodbye to Haven II was always going to be a short time there. It was so much more than I could ever have known.

Loved every minute, the energy, the people who came and shared their light, the space and the teachings that I have learned.

☆ Life is constantly changing and we have to adapt and go with it or get left behind holding on to something that no longer exists. Easy to stay in comfort zone.

☆ When you get out of your mind and into your heart (not listening to monkey mind or the fear but feeling and following the love) you can enjoy new places, and ways, which in turn can bring challenges but equally incredible gifts.

☆ When you want something to happen and throw everything into it, it can become something quite amazing.

☆From nothing sometimes comes everything.

☆ When the future is not clear, take a breather, trust your supported by the Universe and of course the angels and listen and wait for the signs to move again.

☆Be open to the unlimited possibilities that is always available.

Wanted to share with you beautiful ones a snippet of the magic that was made....the final few photos 'as if I was never there'. feature on my facebook page..but I know for a fact the light and energy of that wonderful building is better from the love and healing it received.

I look forward with joy in my heart and a smile on my face for the surprises, miracles and wonder that awaits the next part of the Haven's journey.

Until then I will be in touch with information regarding location for forthcoming groups, 1:1s and training.

Tomorrow I'm totally having ice cream, tea, cake and bank holiday shenanigans in the sun on the beach from start to finish ... the past 3 days moving furniture and the entire Haven has been full on.

With love always
Deb x
By beautifullife 25 Aug, 2021

I LOVE SOUND THERAPY….why I hear you ask?... there really are so many reasons, some of which, I include within this blog as to what personally I have gained from allowing and opening up to the frequency and vibration of the ‘Singing Bowls’ into my life.

Sound therapy ranges with so many instruments including tuning forks, chimes, gong, singing bowls to name a few. Sound therapy combined with deep self-reflective techniques will assist wellbeing and has been proved to improve health in many ways when it is played in therapeutic ways.

Today I concentrate on ‘Singing Bowls’….there are many wonderful articles out there via the internet covering the difference between Tibetan Bowls and Crystal Bowls, so I will not cover that here, but I will say I have experienced the energy and dynamics of both and thoroughly enjoyed and got so much from them all.

I highly recommend letting yourself experience a ‘Sound Bath’ at some point in your life, an opportunity for you to ‘see’ and ‘feel’ for yourself exactly what sound can bring into your world.

I feel blessed to have my own set of frosted Quartz Crystal Singing Bowls for a while now, starting off with one (with them quickly multiplying to a full chakra set).

It is believed that Crystal Bowls produce a vibrational sound that reasonate with the chakras of your body, as well as communicating vibrationally with all areas of the body bringing an ‘altered state of consciousness’ creating harmony and balance of the mind, body and soul. I fully agree with this on every level.

The Bowls compliment all healing modalities and go hand in hand with meditation too, which is how I’ve come to ‘feel’ their presence when holding small sacred sessions with soul tribe and friends.

The other benefits of Singing Bowls can include:

·        Enhancing mental and emotional clarity

·        Space clearing - shifting negative or imbalanced energies within home/space/work and within your body too

·        Can support health and wellbeing including nervous system, circulatory system, adrenals.

·        Deeply relaxing, works wonders with any form of meditation or holistic practice

·        Can assist in reducing stress, anxiety and trauma

·        Corresponds with the chakras so enhances their efficiency and frequency

·        Restores and harmonises the vibratory frequency of the mind, body and soul

The first time I attended a ‘Sound Bath’ I very quickly expanded my energy field far outside of what I have ever experienced before and understood completely what is ‘felt’ like to come totally from Higher Self and allow myself to experience all possibilities and limitless space and time. It was incredible. I knew then Sound would be part of my purpose and life going forward.

 I have recently been blessed to be able to get to know the wonders of ‘Alchemy Crystal Signing Bowls’ they begin like their family of frosted quartz but are amplified with additions which open up to produce amazing energy potency, power, beauty and eloquence. I have two of these to date and know that these are likely to multiple in my life, as will the addition of ‘Gongs’ which I’m very excited to explore too.

 Beautiful Ones, if any of you are considering sound to help and enhance your life, or you wish to expand your healing practice with sound as a therapy, I say don’t hesitate…go for it.

 The Ancient ones of many eons ago used sound and this is coming forward more and more for humanity, helping us to raise our consciousness and open doors to infinite possibilities.

 My journey with sound is only just getting going, I look forward to sharing with you more as I grow, learn and tap into its divine wisdom, flow and vibration.

Blessings one and all.


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